Document Type : Research Paper




In 1936 AD, during excavation of a Parthian site in central Mesopotamia, a device was discovered consisting of a small clay pot with 14 cm height, in which a copper cylinder with an iron rod had been placed. Comparable samples of the device were later discovered in other sites (such as Ctesiphon, capital of Iran during the Parthian and Sassanid period). Considering the features of the device, it was correctly identified as an electric cell at the outset, and some hypotheses were raised about its application including electroplating, magical and medical use. Due to scientific and technical complexity of the electroplating process and also lack of necessary efficiency of the Parthian cell in electroplating, the first hypothesis is less accepted today. Based on scientific and technical support of this finding, it cannot be accepted that the Parthian cell has had a magical use. Therefore, since historical evidence shows that in this historic period, electric fish had been used to relieve pain and also considering the modern medicinal experience in use of weak electrical currents to relieve pain and cure a number of diseases, the most likely hypothesis seems to be associated with medicine. In the Parthian period, Mesopotamia was one of the most important centers of the East-West relationship. In such an environment, medical technicians and physicians have made such a tool using their experience and the knowledge imparted to this region from China and Rome.


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