Document Type : Research Paper




Mummy or sweat so-called local mountain Mvmnayy to say, discharge is Qyrmanndkh gaps related fractures in the ground floors and in some caves to be found. Now this matter by the indigenous people of different regions of the city pa used as a therapeutic drug substance Mygyrd.hdf of this study is to identify this material is its familiarity with medicinal properties.
In this regard, a study in 1394 in a city in the PA, through questionnaires completed by native speakers of the city, was carried out.
The results showed that both oral and topical material that can be used in the treatment of various ailments such as broken bones, bruising and soreness, pain and improve healing of skin wounds effective. The results also show that the amount of the material smaller than in the past and therefore less used.
Mummy or sweat so-called local mountain Mvmnayy to say, discharge is Qyrmanndkh gaps related d.


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مصاحبه شوندگان
-  صدری شاد بخت
-  ماهرخ خادمی مقدم
-  عزیز سجادی فر
-  صادقیان
-  محمدرضا خلفی
-  مهدی قیصری
-  غلام عباس نقی زاده
-  رضوان قیصری
-  نسرین دستمردی
-  صغری خلیلی
-  رضا رضایی
-  غلامعباس نقی زاده
-  احمد صادقیان
-  نسرین بکدلی
-  نیما فریادی
-  رضا رضایی
-  زینب ساویسی
-  سیاوش فریادی
-  خاتون جان رضایی
-  مهین سبکرو