Document Type : Research Paper


1 kashan, university of kashan, faculty of architecture and arts.

2 kashan, university of kashan,faculty of architecture and arts.


Metalworking art is one of the native arts of Iran that traditional artists of this territory have been working on it in different types and usages since the ancient times. Ring making handicraft is amongst the fine arts in this arena which in spite of many ups and downs that left behind, has remained alive and dynamic and covers a part of Iran artistic community. However, there is hardly any researches in this field; therefore, due to the research necessity on this art; The writers of this article strived to review this issue and therefore, they selected Qom province as one of the main centers of this art. The data of present developmental study with the aim of studying the construction methods and features of traditional rings of Qom province, was collected through field and documentary method. The results of this descriptive-analytical research in Statistical population of Qom ring makers indicate that the traditional ring making in Qom city has been customary in the past and also subsists continuously and Qom traditional ring productions like other traditional handicraft arts and unlike the mass production, are produced in a few numbers, single and proportional to the design and a stone selected for the ring.


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منابع تصاویر
-  کلیه تصاویر از نگارندگان (تیر و مردادماه 1396).