Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran

2 duneshgah birjand

3 daneshgah birjand


For a long time, the limitation of water resources in Iran has made it mandatory to invent and create suitable methods to increase the efficiency of water use in rural communities, because water is one of the main pillars of sustainable growth and development of rural communities. An analysis based on documents, preparation of a researcher-made questionnaire, field visit and conducting in-depth interviews in accordance with the experiences, knowledge and insights of the interviewees in relation to the unknown and undiscovered indigenous knowledge in the field of water resources management of rural communities in Shaskoh District, Zirkoh County. The results of this research show the efficiency of traditional approaches and local management system of water resources.The results of this research show the efficiency of traditional approaches and local management system of water resources. The results of the research showed that the local users in the categories of irrigation, storage management, consumption and distribution of water use different eco-compatible methods. In the qualitative part of this knowledge It is valuable to start from the identification stage and based on that, the effectiveness of each of the methods was examined from the benefiting community,



Main Subjects

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