Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, History Dept., Faculty of Persian Letter and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, I.R.Iran.

2 M.A. in Islamic Iran History, Birjand University.


Considering the maritime culture of the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf and Bushir’s people reveals a full geographic, economic, and demographic marine cycle. The cycle is integrated into a greater geographic area extended from the Red Sea to the South China Sea and starched back well into millennia. The main problem to this survey is the ways through which that maritime culture led to shape a specific form of dispositions, system of knowledge, lived experiences, information network. Accordingly, the present article will discuss Bushir people’s dispositions at first. Afterwards it will depict their information network through following categories, navigation, oceanography, marine goods knowledge, pearl hunting, and ship-making industries. Data collecting process in this text is library-based and, meanwhile, data analyzing will be subjected to a descriptive-explicative method. It is supposed that the present text elucidates successfully the maritime network and heritage of Bushehr in the both technical features and its impacts on the social life of that littoral population.


Main Subjects

  • - Whitehouse, (1970), “Siraf: A Medieval Port on the Persian Gulf”, World Archaeology, 2 (2/2), 141-158.