Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Anthropology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Center, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Anthropology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad, University ,Tehran,Iran

3 Member of the academic staff of the Department of Anthropology, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar branch

4 Faculty member of Anthropology Department Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch

5 Member of the academic staff of the Department of Anthropology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch


The main objective of present research is to explore indigenous knowledge of traditional medicine within the beliefs of people, particularly rural women in the village of Alni, Meshkin Shahr. The methodology employed in this study is Malinowski's simultaneous analysis, interpreting narrative interviews through the hermeneutic method. In essence, these narratives serve as spoken documents, anthropologically analyzed and interpreted through hermeneutics. The distinctive contribution of this research lies in its scarcity, addressing the fundamental concern of the research team regarding the limited research output in the realm of indigenous knowledge of traditional medicine in Iran's rural communities. The outcome of this research underscores the development of the traditional medicine industry within the framework of its indigenous knowledge, contributing to addressing tourism-related issues and attracting tourism to rural areas, notably the village of Alni in Meshkin Shahr. Another pivotal consideration is the realization of economic benefits and social well-being for rural families, a crucial factor impacting the social fabric of this village.


Main Subjects

  • مجله‌ها

    • بوزرجمهری، خدیجه. (1382)، «جایگاه دانش بومی در توسعه روستایی پایدار»، مجله جغرافیا و توسعه، پاییز و زمستان، شماره 7: 20-5.
    • بوزرجمهری، خدیجه. (1384)، «تحلیل جایگاه دانش بومی در توسعه روستایی»، فصلنامه مدرس علوم انسانی، سال نهم، شماره 1: 45-17.