Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate at University of Tehran

2 Department of Archaeology, Faculty member, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Ownership of lands, feudalism systems and division of agricultural products has a long history in Iran. Agricultural system from demission and division of lands till the three step of cultivating, keeping and harvesting then division of products as well as taking tax, needs a regular circle and recording instruments as well as product measuring in different districts. In this research in addition to exploring circle of landholding from early Islamic period to Qajar period, two threshing heap stamp, that used to make mark on wheat as well as barley heaps are investigated. In this article we use anthropological and library studies based on descriptive and analytical approach to investigate the region cultivation and tow threshing heap stamps. The aims of this study are to identify the function as well as identity of these two stamps in socioeconomic context and investigate the circle of agriculture at Komijan city and Esfandan village, also tried to determine the identity and essence the stamps that are used by whom and when. In this end, structure of the stamps as well as form, material, motive and phrase on them will be described.


Main Subjects