Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Environment,, University of Tehran, Iran



Cultural landscapes that result from diverse changes and are influenced by crises caused by natural or human processes can be valuable references for learning, decision-making, and planning in the face of changes in the contemporary world. The study aimed to design a conceptual model of the continuity of the evolutionary process of the cultural landscape in the face of climate change using the grounded theory method. Purposive sampling was done with 30 samples, data collection was done through semi-structured interviews, and data was analyzed using MAXQDA software. Following the explanation of the concept of the cultural landscape and the analysis of its evolution based on the theory of structuration, landscape ecology, and change, the results of the study showed that the continuous evolution of cultural landscapes against environmental stresses, including climate changes, requires the discovery and recall of lived experiences during the moments of change and transformational learning in the direction of mitigation, adaptation, value-creating, and regeneration measures. The application of this model in formulating strategies in temporal-spatial scales can lead to the improvement of cultural resilience of cultural landscapes and establish continuity in the path of evolution.


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