Document Type : Research Paper




The ancient Lor ethnicity is a branch of Iranian nomads who have gone through the ups and downs of history. Although it has lost much of its historical territory, it occupies an area as large as 123,000 square kilometers, spreading to the west, center and parts of the northern coasts of the Persian Gulf. The ethnicity is classified into the two branches of the Greater Lor and the Smaller Lor. The Daz River defines the demarcation line between the territories of these two branches. Each of these branches has its own closed lifestyle in Iran's central mountains. An ancient culture with amazing phenomena based on internal laws and inventions govern the ethnicity. We can still observe in their daily life parts of these internal phenomena of different strata. One of these ancient and historical phenomena is communication in order to make decisions on ruling the strata which is closely linked to their biological lifestyle. This is because the vast and scattered strata in mountains should be supported by a center from which they can ask for their needs related to natural and human events. Traditional vocal-verbal form of informing is a need with different rules and types, each of which contains special concepts and is expressed in a special way. Everyone has a duty to participate in these traditional speeches and perform their duties in their stratum. This paper attempts to mention some of these traditional events among the Greater Lor community, especially Bakhtiari, Boyer Ahmad and Bahmaie Lors.


منابع مکتوب
- پاکزادیان، حسن. ( 1386 )، سکه های الیمائی، تهران.
در دو کتاب از این کتیبه نام برده شده است: -
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طاهری از روی لطف تصویر فوق را نیز برای نگارنده ارسال نمود. تصویر مربوط فقط به همت آقای طاهری تهیه
شده بود.
[بیراحمد در کتیبه همان منطقه و ایل بویراحمد است که در شرق کهگیلویه واقع شده است.]
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