Document Type : Research Paper
Researcher in the field of native knowledge of Iran
Bukan in Iranian architecture has several applications. Geography and environment determine bukan’s structure. In Yazd province, according to geographical location, bukans are divided into several categories. Each of these types of bukans is based on its functional structure in the heart of the earth. The shepherds' bukans, according to the temporary nature and just keeping the livestock, have their own specific structure. Perhaps the shepherd did not benefit from it for several months and then migrated to another place due to the lack of forage in the plain. Human bukans, dating back to history, are usually excavated on the edge of the rivers. These types of bukans have a better architecture because of the location of human settlements. In this article, due to the fact that our approach is the bukans of the Qatqans, we have studied more in this subject. Although in terms of the physical and functional nature of the bukans of Qantas can be considered a kind of residence. But due to the temporary residence of these spaces, there are a number of specific architectural requirements and features that are discussed in this article. It goes without saying that some rural qanats or qanats with a long stream been used for pre-utilization and for living for days when the moqanians work in qanat. The shepherd's bukan and moqanians bukan are among the most prominent cases in the city of Ardakan, Yazd, which are discussed in this article as appropriate.