Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Candidate in Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage / Faculty of Conservationو Art University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor, PhD in Architecture / Faculty of Architecture, Art University of Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, PhD in Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage / Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Art University


Conservation/restoration can be regarded as the science of transferring a given cultural from the past to the future, which calls for a comprehensive framework based on keen understanding of the past (indigenous) knowledge. On the other hand, there is very limited number of research for creating theoretical premises in the field of Conservation of Architectural and Urban Heritage. In addition, the Western theories would not fully apply to and address the existing issues in Iran. Therefore, it is more sensible to use qualitative as well as interpretative methods for research in traditional knowledge. One of such methods is “Grounded Theory”, although the use of this method in the field of conservation is not yet prevalent in the world and in Iran as well.
This paper aims at explaining the characteristics of grounded theory as an applied research method in the study of indigenous knowledge of Conservation. This research has been conducted with theoretical study in
recognition of grounded theory as well as practical experience to apply this method in indigenous knowledge research. Finally, the process of grounded theory in the indigenous knowledge research has been explained. Indigenous knowledge research by grounded theory is as follows: 1) literature review (for theoretical sensitivity), 2) theoretical sampling, 3) collecting data (derived from the indigenous knowledge sources), 4) data coding and analysis (until theoretical saturation) and 5) present the theory. At the result,the grounded theory can be a good method to response the theoretical limitation in conservation. This method provides the opinion, perception, and understanding of architecture and conservation.


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