Document Type : Research Paper


Cultural Studies department, Social sciences faculty, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Since its inception, anthropology has paid special attention to health, hygiene, disease, treatment and medical affairs, and has devoted a detailed field of anthropology to this matter. This article seeks to examine the mechanisms of traditional prevention and treatment among immigrants and its effects on the modern Iranian medical system.
Using the ethnographic method for data collection: the use of documentary studies, deep semi-structured interviews and participant observation and also personal notes on the research ground of the Qa'im Qom Township , the researcher has been able to collect and analyze the first handed data. The data of this research are mainly collected in the summer of 1397 and the sampling is based on theoretical requirements of the work and purposefully formulated. It initially deals with common diseases among migrants, and then immigrants will encounter these medical affairs based on their traditional and cultural beliefs. Preventive and traditional treatments among Afghan immigrants in Iran are more than modern treatments on the scene of their everyday lives.


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