Document Type : Research Paper


1 Anthropology researcher and editor of Gileva magazine

2 Assistant professor , Member of faculty . Institute of Guilan Studies. University of Gilan


Cooperation and mutual cooperation of humans has existed since the beginning of human life in all eras of life in all societies. The culture of cooperation among the women of Gilan is the most deeply rooted native culture, helping not only in production and work, but also includes various aspects of the life of the villagers and affects all relationships and provides women's integration and participation in the social arena and the role of women makes it look bolder. The purpose of presenting this article is to pay attention to one of the long-standing and traditional relations in Gilan, which has provided the background for the emergence of a kind of culture and literature, and has found and influenced all the foundations of life in fusion. This study is a descriptive and analytical research in which an attempt has been made to investigate aspects of the culture of cooperation and cooperation among the women of Gilan with an anthropological approach while paying attention to the lived experience of the people of Gilan. The findings of the research indicate that the forms of help among the women of Gilan are very diverse and diverse, and not only in rice cultivation,


Main Subjects

مصاحبه شوندگان:
احترام موسوی (متولد 1342)، شفت
احمد پژوهش (متولد 1358)، لاهیجان
غلامحسین نظری مقدم (متولد 1307)، شفت
بیژن عباسی گملی (متولد 1351)، لشت نشا
علی‌اصغر قیصری (متولد 1350)، رشت
صهیب تقوی (متولد 1358)، شفت
فاطمه نگهبان وطنی (متولد 1370)، چوکام
نرگس حقگوی اشکیکی (متولد 1339)، خمام
حسن اصلانی (متولد 1317)، قاسم‌آباد
غلامحسین عمویی (متولد 1349) کوچصفهان
کلثوم بابایی (متولد 1321)، لشت نشاء
عیسی رشید زاده (متولد 1319)، سنگر
ولی‌الله جهانی (1328)، اشکورات
امان‌الله فلاحتی (1347)، فومن