Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Analytical and Comparative Studies of Islamic Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran. Iran.

2 design & clothing departement, yazd branch, islamic azad university, yazd, iran

3 Department of Philosophy of Art, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch, Iran



As one of the important occupations, cloth weaving played a significant role in the economy, culture and social conditions of Iranian society in the Safavid era. Due to the support of the court and rulers, this profession experienced significant growth and development. The expansion of textile workshops and the gathering of artists in these workshops caused valuable textiles to be remembered from this period. These textiles were often used to supply the clothes of courtiers, luxurious curtains, and royal tombs. Textiles that seem to be neglected today and forgotten after the Safavid era. Based on this, the aim of this research is to identify the weaving method of a sample of Safavid period fabrics kept in the Metropolitan Museum. To make the weaving method of this fabric a technical analysis. The collection of information in this research was in the library and field. To achieve this goal, it has been done using a descriptive-analytical method.
The findings of this research show that in the Prince and Asir fabric, for the implementation of the pattern, the atlas-finish type of weave is necessarily used, and the method of pattern implementation is in the form of a train. (Rupport 1/2 Rotating Adjective).


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